Self-Leadership is Leading From Within

Self Leadership Conversation

It was my pleasure some weeks ago to be invited by long time colleague and friend, Ian Berry, to have what he calls a “Sparkenation Conversation” with him. Ian says that a “sparkenation” is a spark that ignites passion that leads to action. So here’s hoping that this conversation we are having will inspire to action those who watch and listen.

Our conversation was about Self-Leadership. Ian wanted to talk with me about my ebook “Lead From Within – Be An Empowered Leader For An Unpredictable Future”. This is the book that people receive when they sign up to my blog. Ian and I are on the same page when it comes to this theme. We have both worked in this area for many decades. I knew therefore that it would be a stimulating conversation.

I believe that the first responsibility of leaders today is to lead and manage themselves. If they cannot do that, they have no right to expect to lead and manage others. This means, as the late Jim Rohn said, “working as hard on yourself as you do on your job”. It means making a commitment to developing and enhancing their self-leadership.

In my work with leaders around self-leadership I have found that there are seven skills that when well-developed will significantly enhance their leadership. These seven skills characterise what they need to BE as leaders today, to manage the change and unpredictability. They have the potential to set leaders apart because they have excellent self-leadership, self-management and self-mastery skills.

In this conversation with Ian we talk about those seven skills

  • Being Self-Aware.


  • Being Emotionally Intelligent.


  • Being Pro-active.


  • Being High Energy.


  • Being Able to Intergrate Work and Life.


  • Being a Connector.

So I invite you to go and watch this 46 minute video here on Self-Leadership.

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