Monday Motivation August 13, 2018 – Invest in Yourself This Week


The best investment you can make in these uncertain and unpredictable economic times, is to invest in yourself because that provides you with the greatest security for your long term future. We tend to think that financial security is the best investment but my Monday Motivation challenge this week is to think deeply about this question – What Really Makes You Feel Most Secure?

Good Health, Well-Being, Fitness.

What’s it matter to have significant financial resources saved and invested, yet not have your health? I really like this comment:

We spend the first half of our life destroying our health to build our wealth,
And the second half of our life spending our wealth to restore our health.

Do you invest time, energy and money in securing your health and well-being?
Do you invest in keeping yourself fit so that when you are 80 or 90 you will still be able to live independently, rather than being taken care of in a nursing home because you have limited mobility?
Do you invest in eating well, fuelling your body with natural, high energy food which often takes more time and energy to prepare than processed, packaged or take away food?

Great Family and Friends.

How much time do you invest in building and maintaining close and meaningful connections with family and friends, connections that enrich and enhance your life?
How much time do you invest in finding and meeting people who actually bring out the best in you and who inspire and motivate you to achieve what you otherwise wouldn’t even attempt?
We all know the old adage: No one on their death bed wished they’d spent more time at the office.” Rather we wish we’d spent more time with those who really do add something long lasting to our lives.

Success and Happiness in My Work.

How much do you invest in being the best at your work?
How much do you invest in keeping up to date with the latest in your profession or industry?
What investment do you personally make to your professional development – over and above what your employer makes?
Do you invest time in developing your self-awareness, in knowing yourself, what your strengths are but also what challenges you? Do you then go and invest in tackling those issues that challenge you?

An Enriched Inner Self.

This is that part of yourself where passion, peace, imagination, creativity and love reside.
How much time do you invest out of your busy life to smell the roses?
Do you invest in nurturing the things you are passionate about?
Do you invest in relaxing, engaging in activities that free you from the stress of your day to day life – meditation, pilates, tai chi, gym, yoga?
Do you invest in reading stuff, viewing films or listening to radio, podcasts, music that lifts your spirit, takes you into another arena and inspires you?
Do you invest in stimulating your creative self by learning a musical instrument, painting or drawing, restoring vintage cars, learning a new language or writing a book?

This Week’s Motivational Challenge – Do An Audit of How You Invest in Yourself.

How much money, time and energy do you invest in yourself?
Do you feel you are getting the return you want on that investment? If not, why not?
What is the “more” you need to invest in yourself to get the richness in your life that you desire?

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