Monday Motivation August 13, 2018 – Invest in Yourself This Week

The best investment you can make in these uncertain and unpredictable economic times, is to invest in yourself because that provides you with the greatest security for your long term future. We tend to think that financial security is the best investment but my motivational challenge this week is to think deeply about this question – What Really Makes You Feel Most Secure? Do an audit on how much time, energy and money you spend investing in yourself?

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How To Maintain the Momentum After A Training Program.

setting priorities

It doesn’t matter whether it is a day training program, a two day conference, a coaching or mentoring experience or an online course, many people find it very challenging to maintain the momentum. You leave the program feeling energised and then….

One expert has made the observation that 15% will leave the experience feeling they gained nothing from it.

85% will leave feeling it was valuable and will be highly motivated to use what they have learned to improve their professional work. After a month 70% of those will have been sucked back into doing things the way they did them before the training.

Only 15% will actually translate what they learned into action and implement changes in their professional lives and accelerate their careers in the process.

So what do those 15% do differently to maintain the momentum?

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What Happens In Coaching?


When I started “coaching” back in 1994, I didn’t have an answer to this question. While 20 plus years have passed I think there are people out there still who wonder what the answer to that question is. That’s why I wanted to address this in Part 2 of my series of blogs on coaching. Coaching is first and foremost a relationship between you and your coach. It is highly personal, highly confidential and calls for mutual trust. The desired result is that you will grow professionally and personally. It is all these characteristics and the fact that coaching is very immediate – it discusses what you faced and grappled with that morning – that gives it an edge as a learning and development experience. But it is more than that so read on.

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IWD 2018 – How Women Can Move On And Up.

IWD 2018

It was one of Australia’s leading female CEOs, Gillian Frank, who once said that women can have it all, but not all at once. Many of us have learned that the hard way. We have tried to keep all the balls in the air and as a result we failed to be who we truly wanted to be. There are three ways we can achieve that and still remain true to who we are and what we stand for. We discover our Why. We set goals around it. We build a network of support that helps us achieve it because there is no way we can go it alone.

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What Makes A Team Great

People move in and out of teams all the time. When new people come into a team how they are helped to become part of it is important to the on-going successful functioning of the team. It is not only the team manager’s role to ensure their positive engagement, but every team member’s as well. Here is checklist for you to use to check off what kind of a team member you are and how you can contribute to making your team great.

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Turn Your Goal Setting Upside Down and Be Successful.

The great debate at this time of the year is about whether goal setting has a value or not. If you’ve been there before only to find that, in spite of your best efforts, life and “important” work gets in the way after a month or so, then you are probably not going to set any goals this year.

Let’s stop and think about this a bit.

Whatever success means to you, it is worth pursuing the actions that will see you achieve it. You feel empowered, in charge of your life when you do. You see yourself as a “Can Do” person. Having achieved one goal, you gain in confidence about achieving another. And the next one is much easier again. Your head is in the right place. You have more energy. You have fewer limiting beliefs about yourself. You are much more confident.

The most successful people, in whatever field they work, all set goals. They then bring focus to achieving them.
Goal setting is about focusing on your WHY. If you have a big enough WHY, the HOW is easy. 
So the first step in goal setting is knowing why you want to achieve that goal. Sometimes you have to dig deep to get clear about that.
So let’s turn this goal setting problem upside down.

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