Leading change through people
Study after study has shown that 70% of organisational change fails to make a lasting impact or difference because it focuses on changing the organisational structure, policies, processes and systems, rather than changing the behaviours, attitudes and mindsets of the people who it calls upon to implement the change across the organisation.
McKinsey research has found that when the pervasive attitudes and mindsets of people, that are likely to impact the change process, are identified beforehand and addressed the organisation is 4 times more likely to succeed in implementing their change initiative.
As Jim Clemmer says: “This is a soft leadership issue at the heart of the change”.
This workshop is about helping leaders and managers identify and become aware of what is happening to people when they have change thrust upon them without them being involved in the process,
It will draw on the insights gained from neuro-leadership to show leaders and managers what happens in the brains of their people when threatened with change.
It will also discuss the soft leadership skills that leaders can develop to lessen that threat and open the way for their people to engage constructively with the change process.
It will use William Bridges Model of Change and Transition to show what happens to people as they move from an Ending, through a Transition, through to a New Beginning. It will layer on top of that, however, the experience of exponential change, that rolling relentless change, that characterises life today, as distinct from the incremental change that characterised life in Bridges time. It will help leaders develop the skills to move with their people through exponential change.
The workshop will inspire and motivate leaders to lead that transformation of themselves with their people, to build trust with them, bring their people to a belief in their integrity and show their people they really care. Their people will then follow them, and embrace their leadership of the change process.